Our Articles

Dental treatment in Albania vs Europe and the UK

 Dental treatment in Albania vs Europe and the UK

A guide to dental treatment in Albania compared to Europe & UK Considering dental treatment in Albania but not sure how the prices stack up? Check this handy comparison guide for all you need to know.

Published on 2021-06-16

Traveling to Albania for dental care during COVID-19

Traveling to Albania for dental care during COVID-19

Are you thinking of traveling to Albania for dental care? But you have questions about the COVID-19 situation? Well, you’re in the right place. Honest Smile is here to answer all of your questions related to traveling from the UK, entering Albania, what you need to know when you are there, and what happens when you return.

Published on 2021-05-08

Top 5 European destinations for dental implants abroad 2021

Top 5 European destinations for dental implants abroad 2021

If you are considering getting dental implants abroad, you might be wondering where the best deal is to be had. While it’s acceptable to want to get the cheapest dental implants abroad, you also need to consider travel, culture, safety, and what there is to do during your time there! Honest Smile brings you a summary of the top 5 European destinations for dental implants abroad in 2021, including all the pros and the cons!

Published on 2021-04-10

Why Albania is an underrated destination for dental implants abroad

Why Albania is an underrated destination for dental implants abroad

Albania is a seriously underrated country, not just as a location for dental implants abroad, but as a holiday destination in general. This Balkan gem is located between Greece, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, and across the Adriatic Sea, Italy. With hundreds of miles of glorious beaches, vertiginous mountain ranges, and fascinatingly diverse history, Albania is fast becoming a “must visit'' location for intrepid explorers.

Published on 2021-03-21

eMax Veneers

eMax Veneers

A Veneer is a high strength porcelain layer bonded on the front of our teeth. E-MAX Veneers are currently some of the best dental veneers available in the dentistry market. We offer the best value for money eMax IPS Veneers in the whole of Europe.

Published on 2020-10-24

Dental Bone Graft Cost

Dental Bone Graft Cost

Using the latest cutting-edge technology to offer an alternative solution for bone loss. Bone Reconstruction, Bone Augmentation and otherwise known as (bone graft) is a technique normally used to help people who do not have enough bone to have implants done.

Published on 2020-10-18

Why are dental implants so expensive in the UK?

Why are dental implants so expensive in the UK?

Our teeth are very important. Not only do they help make eating and drinking easier, but they can have an almost direct impact on our mental health and self-esteem levels.

Published on 2020-09-30

Teeth Numbering Systems

Teeth Numbering Systems

I remember my first time trying to figure out what was the number of a tooth I wanted to have checked and got so confused in the process as there are so many systems out there. Apparently there are over 50+ teeth numbering systems out there in the world, but the main ones seem to be 3. Read on if you are interested in finding out more.

Published on 2020-09-26

How to Get Affordable Dental Implants in the UK via Dental Travel Agency

How to Get Affordable Dental Implants in the UK via Dental Travel Agency

Dental implants offer a long term, discreet solution when you need teeth replaced. However, dental implants in the UK are extremely expensive and that takes the option away for many people who simply can’t afford them.

Published on 2020-09-23

A guide to Albania

A guide to Albania

Albania is a relatively small country in southeast europe (western balkans). It has a lot to offer, nature, food, culture & heritage. Give us a call and we will happily organise everything for you.

Published on 2020-09-17